Published on December 18, 2015
Last updated on April 11, 2018

Planning for Sea-Level Rise Database

In an effort to catalog California’s efforts on planning for sea-level rise, the Planning for Sea-Level Rise Database bill (AB 2516, Gordon) was passed into law in 2014. This legislation called for the California Natural Resources Agency in collaboration with the Ocean Protection Council to conduct a survey of “sea-level rise planning information”, defined as “studies, programs, modeling, mapping, cost-benefit analyses, vulnerability assessments, adaptation, assessments, and local coastal programs . . . that have been developed for the purposes of addressing or preparing for sea level rise” (Public Resources Code Division 20.6 §30961-30968). The entities that were named in the legislation as being required to report consisted of thirteen state agencies; along with ports, airports, and electric and natural gas utilities located in the coastal zone and San Francisco Bay Area. The legislation required entities to report to the Resources Agency by July 1, 2015 and to repeat the survey twice a year until the repeal of the bill in January 1, 2018. The OPC will re-survey entities biannually, and update the database biannually.

Planning for Sea-level Rise Database – last updated August 2017 (download here)

State Resources:

Enabling Legislation

Ocean Protection Council Climate Change Program

Coastal and Ocean Resources Working Group for the Climate Action Team

California Coastal Commission Local Coastal Programs

State Coastal Conservancy Climate Change

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission: Adapting to Rising Tides 


No entity is required to report information if to do so would result in conflict with obligations or requirements of other state or federal laws, including the Homeland Security Act and implementing regulations pertaining to protection of critical infrastructure.