This webpage was updated on November 18, 2016

Ocean Protection Council Program Areas

The mission of the Ocean Protection Council is to ensure that California maintains healthy, resilient, and productive ocean and coastal ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations. The Ocean Protection Council’s Strategic Plan for 2012 – 2017 proposes action in areas of critical need where the Council’s involvement can yield tangible progress and have the greatest impact.

Climate sea-level-rise_thumbnail_keith-willisChange

OPC’s work in the climate change program area aims to help prepare the state of California for and reduce impacts of climates change and changing ocean conditions on coastal development and infrastructure, public health and safety, the economy, and ecosystems by encouraging adaptation to climate change and engaging decision makers at all levels of the government. Learn more…


Magorgonian-kelp-thumbnail-peter-liurine Protected Areas

California’s network of marine protected areas (MPAs) were established to help conserve marine life and restore the integrity of marine ecosystems.  In order to help achieve these goals, the OPC works with partners to effectively advance the MPA Management Program, through enforcement and compliance, research and monitoring, and outreach and education across through a partnership-based approach. Learn more…


crab_thumbnail_mpb_cdfwSustainable Fisheries

The OPC supports innovative, science-based approaches that inform sustainable fisheries management, and works with partners to advance improved governance of California fisheries. Emerging fisheries management tools and stronger partnerships among fisheries constituent groups improve marine resource agencies’ ability to better understand and effectively manage California’s fisheries. Learn more…


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Land-Based Impacts

The land and sea are inextricably linked, and OPC works to reduce the land based impacts such as urban run-off, marine pollution, sediment management and shoreline armoring that may affect our coastal ecosystems and ocean economy. Learn more…



sea-floor-mapping-thumbnail-noaaSea Floor and Coastal Mapping

In recent years, improving the use and sharing of scientific and geospatial information about the ocean with policymakers and resource managers. OPC provides leadership and works with agencies, industry, NGOs, scientists and other key stakeholders to ensure the availability and use of authoritative geospatial information in decision-making. Learn more…


wind-farm_thumbnail_flickrEmerging Uses and Threats

The state’s marine environment currently hosts a variety of industrial coastal and marine uses such as desalination, marine renewable energy development and offshore aquaculture. OPC aims to ensure that existing and emerging uses of California’s coast and ocean are planned and managed in a manner that balances their social and economic benefits with the long-term protection and sustainability of the state’s marine and coastal resources. Learn more…