First Map Set from California Seafloor Mapping Program Now Available

The first set of formal map products from the California Seafloor Mapping Program are now available on the United States Geological Survey website.  The California Seafloor Mapping Program is a cooperative program to create a comprehensive coastal and marine bathymetric, geologic and habitat map series for all of California’s state waters (mean high water line out to three nautical miles). The Ocean Protection Council authorized funds to establish the CSMP in 2007, and assembled a team of experts from state and federal agencies, academia, and private industry to conduct this large effort. This first map set covers Hueneme Canyon and vicinity, and includes 12 map sheets displaying seafloor characteristics, an explanatory pamphlet, and a data catalog of GIS files.  More information on the California Seafloor Mapping Program is available on OPC’s project page, and on the USGS project page, which includes a spreadsheet that documents works accomplished.

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