Published on July 26, 2010

Thank You Ocean OPC Podcasts

PR_TrestlesThe Thank You Ocean (TYO) Report focuses on interesting and exciting California ocean topics such as marine mammals, the latest news on ocean health, timely ocean issues and fascinating ocean facts. Stories feature interviews with ocean experts, explorers, scientists, conservationists, government and business leaders. Listeners learn about ocean activities and recreation, surfing, fishing, boating, and the many ways we all can thank the ocean through conservation and stewardship.

OPC staff has recently been featured on the TYO podcast series.  If you haven’t already, take a few minutes and listen to the podcasts below:

Protecting the California Coast

The ocean impacts life in California in many ways. In this report, Amber Mace, Executive Director of the Ocean Protection Council, talks about the role of the OPC in protecting our coastal and ocean resources

Decommissioning Oil and Gas Rigs

Skyli McAfee, Executive Director of the California Ocean Science Trust, offers a perspective on decommissioning oil and gas rigs that sit off the coast of California.

Governors Take Action Toward Ocean Health

In July 2008, the Governors of California, Oregon and Washington released a West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health Action Plan that identified common ocean and coastal management priorities. Brian Baird, Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy for the California Natural Resources Agency, offers an update about this joint effort to protect and manage the vast marine resources shared by California, Oregon and Washington.


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