Invitation to Bid: Communications Strategy for the 2022 decadal review of California’s Marine Protected Area network

The Ocean Protection Council is seeking bids for contract to develop a communication strategy for the 2022 decadal review of California’s Marine Protected Area network. This communications strategy will be used over the next two years leading up to the management review in December 2022 and through early 2023 to communicate the results of the review, along with the recommendations and next steps for ongoing adaptive management of California’s Marine Protected Areas. This strategy will help establish a communications protocol and framework by which information regarding subsequent decadal reviews will be shared with decision makers, stakeholders and the public. The Contractor will be required to work in close collaboration with OPC, DFW and FGC staff in the development and deployment of this communication strategy through the duration of the contract.

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Categories: Marine Protected Areas, Strategic Goal 3: Biodiversity