DCTF Meeting- August 9, 2010

Meeting Agenda

Ukiah Valley Conference Center
Cabernet II Room
200 S School Street
Ukiah, CA 95482

August 9, 2010*
9:30am to 5:00pm

1. Welcome, introductions, agenda review, and DCTF updates
DCTF Project Team (Neal Fishman and Rachelle Fisher)

2. Discussion of Dungeness crab fishery legislation. Discussion may include, but will not be limited to, pot limits, limited entry, latent permits, additional management measures, pot tags, enforcement, as well as fees and fundraising.  DCTF port and caucuses and/or workgroups may be convened to refine and discuss proposed management measures.
DCTF Project Team, DCTF

ACTION: Consideration and possible adoption of recommendations to amend Dungeness crab legislation.

3. General Public Comment

4. Discussion of the DCTF’s next steps
DCTF Project Team, DCTF

5. Adjourn

**Agenda items may be taken out of order at the discretion of the project team.

Questions about the meeting or agenda can be directed to mrcrabs@scc.ca.gov or 714-330-7976.
Any person who has a disability and requires reasonable accommodation to participate in this task force meeting should contact Rachelle Fisher (rfisher@scc.ca.gov or 714- 330-7976) no later than five days prior to meeting.

* This meeting agenda is to serve as notice for a meeting to occur on August 9, 2010.  If a quorum is unavailable on the noticed date, the meeting will be cancelled.  Should the meeting be cancelled, an announcement will be emailed to the DCTF list-serve and posted on the DCTF website as soon as possible.

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Categories: Dungeness Crab Task Force